How Eating Healthy Affects Your Eyes

The foods and vitamins you consume affect your body’s overall health, including your eyes. With a healthy diet and lifestyle, the likelihood of developing some eye diseases and health disorders dramatically decreases. With a few simple steps, your body will thank you later!

Eating Healthy Foods

One of the best things you can do is choose foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins. An easy trick to remember is dark green or brightly colored fruits and vegetables are the go-to foods. Not only will they impact your overall health, but they will help to reduce the chances of developing eye diseases such as dry eyes and cataracts. 

Another trick is to look for different versions of your favorite snacks. Instead of foods that are high in sugar or made from white flour, look for sugar-free foods and whole-grain alternatives. Healthy fats such as salmon and nuts are high in omega-3, which helps with your eye health.


Water is one of the best drinks that you can choose, so drink plenty of it! Stay away from sugary drinks because proper hydration helps to reduce dry eye symptoms.



Nutrients are essential to your overall health. If you find yourself not getting the amounts needed daily, look into taking supplements to ensure you receive the proper amount. The following nutrients can help reduce your risk for many eye related issues!

  • Vitamin A: night blindness and dry eyes
  • Omega-3: macular degeneration and dry eyes
  • Vitamin C: cataracts and macular degeneration
  • Vitamin D: macular degeneration
  • Zinc: night blindness
  • Vitamin E: advanced macular degeneration
  • Aging Eyes

    Your eyes will change as you age, so it’s essential to take all factors into consideration on how to keep your eyes healthy. One of the most important things is to protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. By wearing sunglasses with built-in UV protection, you can help prevent your eyes from developing cataracts and macular degeneration.

    Eating lean beef in moderation can also boost your eye health. Beef contains zinc, which helps your body absorb vitamins and may play a role in reducing the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration.

    Another habit you should start is leaving the cigarettes behind. Not only is smoking harmful to your overall health, but it increases the chances of developing eye diseases.

    Finally, one of the easiest things you can do is schedule an annual eye exam to detect any eye diseases as early as possible. Many eye conditions start without symptoms, so it’s crucial to have a professional take a look. Call us today to learn more!

    Puffy Eyes and Dark Circles

    Ordinary swelling around the eyes is due to an excessive accumulation of fluids in the surrounding skin tissue. Puffy eyes and dark circles can occur for many reasons, and a visit to your eye doctor can usually detect the underlying cause behind your puffy eyes.


    The skin around your eyes is the thinnest skin on your body; therefore it shows swelling and discoloration more prominently. There are various factors which can cause puffy eyes, a few of the most common causes include:

    • Overconsumption of salt
    • Allergies
    • Sinus problems
    • Dehydration
    • Fatigue and lack of sleep
    • Stress
    • Crying
    • Aging
    • Inherited facial features

    Why are my eyes puffy in the morning?

    Some individuals may notice their eyes are puffy when they wake up in the morning. Since we don’t blink when we sleep, this allows fluids to settle or get trapped in the skin around the eyes. As soon as you wake up and start blinking this swelling will begin to diminish. Likewise, some individuals develop swelling in their lower extremities while sleeping, which reduces upon walking.

    Medical condition

    In some situations, puffy eyes can be due to an underlying medical condition. Those with thyroid disease can develop swelling around their eyes. Eye allergies can cause swollen eyelids due to the release of histamine. Additionally, eye infections such as pink eye can cause swelling and puffiness. However, the best way to detect the cause of your puffy eyes is through a comprehensive eye exam by your doctor.

    What can be done?

    To find the best solution or remedy to your puffy eyes, your eye doctor must first determine the underlying cause. Temporary solutions include eye drops, hydration, iced compresses, cucumber slices, creams, reducing salt in your diet, and getting plenty of rest. In other circumstances, cosmetic solutions may be the only long term way to reduce swollen eyes.

    To learn more about your puffy eyes, schedule an appointment with our office. We are here to answer all of your questions and advise you on the best steps to alleviate your puffy eyes.

    Smoking and Your Vision

    Smoking harms nearly every organ in your body, including your eyes. It is the most significant preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States. If you smoke, you have a higher risk of developing several eye diseases.


    Cataracts are a clouding of the lens in your eye, and the leading cause of blindness in the world. Smokers have double the chance of forming cataracts compared to non-smokers.

    Macular Degeneration

    Macular degeneration is the deterioration of the macula in your eye, which impacts central vision. If you smoke, you are three times more likely to develop macular degeneration. Consequently, female smokers over age 80 are 5.5 times more likely than nonsmokers of the same age.


    Uveitis is the inflammation of the eyes middle layer called the uvea. As a result, it harms the iris, retina, and can eventually result in blindness. Smokers have 2.2 times greater risk of developing uveitis.

    Diabetic Retinopathy

    Those who smoke and have diabetes have increased the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy damages the blood vessels in the retina and can result in vision loss. Smoking double the risk of developing diabetes, therefore, increasing your risk for diabetic retinopathy and other diabetic eye diseases.

    Dry Eyes

    Dry eye is when you do not have enough tears on the eyes surface, causing itchy and red eyes. Smoke is considered an eye irritant, consequently worsening dry eye symptoms for many. Therefore, those who smoke are twice as likely to experience dry eye and individuals who experience second-hand smoke are more likely to suffer from dry eye as well.

    Infant Eye Disease

    Smoking during pregnancy transmits toxins to the placenta and can harm the unborn child. As a result, smoking increases the chance of many fetal and infant eye disorders.

    Infant Eye Disorders

    • strabismus
    • underdeveloped optic nerve
    • premature birth
    • retinopathy of prematurity
    • potential blindness


    The best way to decrease your risk for developing these eye diseases is to quit smoking. It is never too late, at any age you can reduce your risk of developing these sight-threatening eye conditions. Contact our office to discuss the impact of smoking on your vision.

    *All statistics are from

    Nutrition and Your Eyes

    The foods you eat and the dietary supplements you take affect your overall health and the health of your eyes. Nutrition and your eyes are linked together and can help prevent certain eye diseases along with other health problems.

    Healthy Foods

    Choosing healthy foods improves your overall health as well as your eye health. Dark green or brightly colored fruits and vegetables are essential parts of a healthy diet. These fruits and vegetables may also help to reduce the risks of developing eye diseases. Sugars and white flours may increase your risk of age-related eye disease, instead, opt for whole grains which do not have the same risks. Healthy fats containing omega-3 essential fatty acids are critical to your diet. These healthy fats can help prevent dry eyes and cataracts.


    Staying hydrated is essential to the health of your eyes. Drink plenty of water every day! We also recommend choosing healthy beverages and avoiding high sugar beverages. Proper hydration is linked to the reduction of dry eye symptoms.


    Nutrients are an essential part of a healthy diet. These nutrients can be found in foods but can also be taken in supplements to ensure you are receiving the proper amount in your diet. Consult with your primary care provider before taking any dietary supplements. Here are a few nutrients that may have a link to eye health:

    • Vitamin A: may protect against night blindness and dry eyes
    • Omega 3 fatty acids: may prevent macular degeneration and dry eyes
    • Vitamin C: may reduce risks of cataracts and macular degeneration
    • Vitamin D: may reduce risks of macular degeneration
    • Zinc: may reduce risks of night blindness
    • Vitamin E: may reduce the risk of advanced macular degeneration

    Aging Eyes

    As you age, it is essential to consider all factors that could affect the overall health of your eyes. Not only should you adopt a healthy diet, but you can also do several other things to protect your eyes. One way to protect your eyes is to avoid overexposure to ultraviolet rays, which includes wearing sunglasses outdoors and staying away from tanning beds. Now is the time to quit smoking, not only is smoking harmful to your overall health it also increased your risks for many eye diseases. Finally, ensure that you are getting annual eye exams to detect any eye diseases before they cause permanent vision loss.

    Nutrition and your eyes are highly connected, continue to find ways to feed your body the food and nutrients it needs to live a healthy life with healthy eyes.

    Vision Changes As You Age

    As we age, our bodies experience declines in overall performance, including the performance of our eyes. The age-related vision changes become more noticeable as we reach age 60 and older. Some vision changes are entirely normal and do not indicate disease, whereas others may be indications of major eye diseases. This is why eye exams become particularly important when you reach age 50!


    Presbyopia is an ordinary loss of focusing ability, typically noticed after the age of 40. The lens inside your eye hardens as you age and causes difficulty focusing on objects up close. The first signs of presbyopia are often holding a phone or reading material farther away from your eyes. As you age, presbyopia will worsen. Eventually, it requires reading glasses, progressive lenses, or multifocal contact lenses to focus on objects up close.

    Structures of the Eye

    As individuals age, the structures of the eye can lose strength or desensitize which causes your vision to change. These are often subtle changes over time and make slight impacts on vision.

    Pupil Size

    Muscles that control pupil size and reaction lose strength over time, causing the pupil to become smaller and less reactive to light.

    Dry Eyes

    Our bodies produce fewer tears as we age. Women after menopause may experience worse dry eye symptoms than others.

    Peripheral Vision

    It is normal to experience some loss of peripheral vision. The average decrease in the visual field is 1-3 degrees per decade of life.

    Color Vision

    The cells responsible for color vision decline in sensitivity as we age, which can cause colors to appear less bright.

    Vitreous Detachment

    The gel-like substance in your eye, called vitreous, begins to liquefy as you age. It is potentially causing spots and floaters in your vision.

    As you age, you should expect vision changes. However, the only way to ensure those changes are normal and not due to eye disease is through comprehensive eye exams with your eye doctor. Additionally, the standard recommendation is for individuals over age 50 to have annual eye exams to protect the health of their eyes.

    Computer Vision Syndrome: Eye Strain

    According to The Vision Council, 65% of adults experience some form of computer vision syndrome. Often individuals associate eye strain as a “normal” part of computer work. However, the eye strain you are experiencing is a symptom of computer vision syndrome and can be reduced or avoided!

    What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

    Computer vision syndrome is caused by the eyes and brain reacting to the characters on a computer screen. On-screen characters have less contrast than characters in print and are more challenging for our eyes to focus on. The difficulty of having to focus on the characters on computer screens is what causes eye fatigue and strain.

    Symptoms of CVS

    Depending on the individual they may experience one, several, or all symptoms of computer vision syndrome. These symptoms can cause discomfort for the individual and make it difficult to complete work effectively.

    • Headaches
    • Loss of focus
    • Burning eyes
    • Tired eyes
    • Red eyes
    • Double vision
    • Eye twitching
    • Blurred vision
    • Neck and shoulder pain

    Ways to Combat CVS

    Many computer users find their eyes feel strained working under fluorescent lights. Users feel more eye comfort when using floor lamps instead of harsh overhead lights. Minimize the reflection of glare off your computer screen by installing an anti-glare screen on your monitor. Consider closing the blinds to prevent the sun from reflecting off your computer screen as well.

    The type of screen and settings of your screen can also impact your eye strain. We recommend making sure you have an LCD screen because it has an anti-reflective surface and is more comfortable for the eyes.

    Additionally, you can adjust the settings of your screen for optimal viewing. A few settings to adjust are the brightness, text, and color temperature. The brightness should be the same as your surrounding workstation, the text size and contrast can be changed to your comfort level, and reducing the color temperature lowers the amount of blue light emitted by your screen.

    Computer Eyewear

    One of the best ways to reduce your risk of computer vision syndrome is to visit our office. Your eye doctor can perform a few tests to detect vision problems which could be contributing to your computer vision syndrome and help decide if computer eyewear is the solution for you. Many individuals discover computer eyewear helps reduce their symptoms and improves their productivity.

    Schedule an appointment with our office to discuss the impact computer work is having on your eyes and the best ways to reduce your eye strain and fatigue.


    Types of Diabetic Eye Disease

    More than 28% of diabetics age 40 or older have a diabetic eye disease. These numbers are only expected to grow in the upcoming years due to the decrease in physical activity and healthy eating.

    Types of Diabetes

    Type 1

    A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. About 1.25 million Americans have type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes was previously known as juvenile diabetes. However, anyone at any age can get type 1 diabetes.

    Type 2

    90% of Americans with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. This occurs when your body is not using insulin correctly, called insulin resistance. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include obesity, an unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity.

    Complications of Diabetes

    Not managing or treating your diabetes can cause serious health complications including hypoglycemia, skin infections, neuropathy, kidney disease, foot complications, and eye complications. Additionally, people with diabetes are at a higher risk for blindness and eye problems. The good news is with the correct treatment and lifestyle changes many people can prevent the onset of these complications. Therefore, we recommend regular eye exams to avoid eye problems and vision loss.

    Diabetic Eye Disease

    • Diabetic Retinopathy: Damages the blood vessels in the retina in the back of the eye. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is more likely to result in diabetic retinopathy. Consequently between 12,000 and 24,000 new cases of blindness due to diabetic retinopathy occur each year in the U.S. according to the CDC.
    • Clinically significant macular edema: Swelling of the macula in the back of the eye. Macular edema is most common in those with type 2 diabetes.
    • Cataract: Clouding in the lens of your eyes. Cataracts are two-five times more likely in people with diabetes.
    • Glaucoma: Optic nerve damage to the fibers that connect the eye to the brain. Diabetes doubles the risk of glaucoma.

    Those with diabetes should get a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year to ensure their eyes are healthy. Call our office today to schedule your comprehensive eye exam!

    FAQs: About My Symptoms

    An overview and explanation of common eye symptoms.

    Whether you or someone you know is suffering from a common eye-related condition, we know that you want the facts! Here are some of the most common questions and eye-related disorders we see in our office every day. If you are experiencing any of these eye symptoms or have questions about your eye health, give us a call to schedule your next appointment today.

    Why are my eyes red?

    Red or bloodshot eyes are a common problem caused by swollen or dilated blood vessels on the outer surface of the eye. Sometimes red eyes bother people because they are in pain, but that’s not always the case.

    Potential causes of red eye include:

    • Allergies
    • Pink eye
    • Eye trauma

    Why are my eyes itching?

    Itchy eyes are one of the most common eye-related condition that patients experience. When an allergen (irritating substance) enters the eyes, your immune system responds with a natural defense mechanism by releasing a chemical causing the itching sensation.

    Potential causes of itchy eyes include:

    • Allergies
    • Prolonged use of digital devices
    • Contact lens usage

    How do I reduce my symptoms of itchy eyes?

    To reduce your allergy symptoms try using eye drops to help lubricate your eyes. While rubbing can provide temporary relief it puts you at risk for damaging your cornea or adding even more allergens and bacteria into your eye.

    Why are my eyes puffy?

    Swelling around the eyes is due to excessive fluids in the skin tissue. As this fatty tissue gains fluid it begins to push forward and “bags” form under the eye.

    Excessive fluid and puffy eyes can be caused by:

    • Allergies
    • Sinus problems
    • Dehydration
    • Overconsumption of salt
    • Fatigue or lack of sleep
    • Stress
    • Aging
    • Crying  

    What is causing my burning, itchy eyes?

    The sensation of burning eyes can be caused by a variety of everyday environments. For example, exposure to products such as makeup, facial cleansers, or shampoo may cause burning or itchy symptoms. Other factors like allergies, wind, and environmental irritants can also cause burning in your eyes. Keep track of what surroundings or products are causing these symptoms and try to reduce your exposure. If you live in a high wind or sandy environment, try wearing a pair of wraparound sunglasses to protect your eyes from the elements when outdoors.

    I’m seeing spots and floaters, why?

    Spots and floaters are a shadow in your vision caused by bits of protein and tissue in the gel-like matter in your eyes. It is normal to occasionally see spots or floaters in your vision and will become more common with age as the gel-like material in your eye begins to dissolve and liquefy.

    I am experiencing eye pain, what should I do?

    If you are experiencing prolonged eye pain or have a foreign object enter your eye, call our office immediately. It is important not to rub your eyes or try to remove the object yourself as this may irritate your eye further.

    Describing Your Symptoms

    Being able to describe the type of pain you are experiencing will help your eye doctor diagnose the problem. For example, pain behind the eye can be attributed to migraines or sinus infections.

    Use descriptor from the list below to help describe the pain to your eye doctor.

    • sharp or dull
    • internal or external
    • constant or inconsistent
    • stabbing or throbbing

    Preventing Snow Blindness, Sunburn for Your Eyes

    We take many precautions to avoid sunburn on our skin, face, and lips, but have you ever thought about your eyes? Many are surprised to learn our eyes can also acquire sunburn. This condition is known as photokeratitis or snow blindness.

    What causes Snow Blindness?

    Snow Blindness occurs when your eyes are exposed to ultraviolet light for an extended period of time, causing sunburn. It most commonly occurs in snowy areas because snow reflects 80% of UV rays.* Snow blindness can also occur in highly reflective environments with water or white sand.

    In addition to natural UV rays, man-made sources of ultraviolet radiation can cause snow blindness. Typically, man-made UV rays only damage your eyes when the proper eyewear is not being worn. This can happen when working with a welder’s torch or using tanning booths or sunlamps.

    Can I lose my vision completely?

    No, Snow Blindness is temporary and doesn’t cause actual blindness, it typically impairs your vision for 24 to 48 hours.

    Symptoms of Snow Blindness

    • Eye pain
    • Burning, red, or watery eyes
    • Gritty sensation
    • Sensitivity to light
    • Blurry vision
    • Swollen eyes or eyelids
    • A headache
    • Glare and halos around lights

    Risk factors for snow blindness?

    You and your family are at an increased risk for snow blindness when involved in sports with highly reflective surfaces. When skiing, snowboarding, and snow sledding, you should ensure everybody’s eyes are protected with snow goggles that provide 100% UV protection.

    Altitude plays a big role in the risk for snow blindness. At higher altitudes, UV rays are stronger. Therefore, when high altitudes, such as mountains, are combined with snow, the risk of Snow Blindness doubles.

    Don’t forget, water sports such as water skiing, knee boarding, and surfing require protective eyewear as well. A great option is wraparound sunglasses that block out 100% of UV rays and remain on your head throughout the duration of the activity.

    How do I prevent snow blindness?

    1. Anytime you are outside, you should wear sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays.
    2. Remember, UV rays can penetrate clouds, so sunglasses are required even on cloudy days.
    3. Always wear snow goggles when skiing, snowboarding, and mountain climbing.
    4. Wear wraparound sunglasses when you plan to be on or near water for extended periods of time.
    5. Ensure you have eye shields to wear in tanning beds and booths. Never tan without eye shields.
    6. Use the recommended safety eyewear for your job if you are working with harmful light.


    *The United States Environmental Protection Agency

    Common Eyelid Bumps

    Eyes are one of the most sensitive areas of the body and we tend to notice any pain related to our eyes relatively quickly. Here are a few common eye conditions and symptoms causing eyelid bumps. Have more questions? Give our office a call!

    I have a red bump near the edge of my eyelid, what is this?

    An infection called a stye causes this red bump. Bacteria enter the base of an eyelash and become infected. It can be contagious so it is important to wash your hands if you touch your eyes and not share any washcloths or hand towels with others. While a stye can be annoying, you should never pop or poke it. Eventually, a stye will heal on its own within a few days. Use a warm washcloth can help to alleviate some of the pain and speed up the healing process.

    What is the bump inside my eyelid?

    An infection called chalazion causes the bump inside your eyelid. This is similar to stye but found inside the eyelid on an oil gland. Typically, this red swollen bump is benign and containings fatty secretions that normally help lubricate the eye. Chalazions are not infectious and typically resolve on their own within a few days to a week. Try using a warm compress to help relieve discomfort and move along the healing process. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort from a chalazion and it does not heal on its own, call our office to schedule an appointment!

    Why does my baby have tiny bumps on and around the eye area?

    Milia are the tiny white or yellowish bumps seen around a baby’s eyes. These look similar to a whitehead but are not acne. Milia occur in clusters and are caused by dead skin cells getting trapped under the surface of the skin. Most commonly, they occur in babies but can be found at any age. Parents can expect milia on newborns to resolve on its own within a few weeks. Do not try to pop or remove milia yourself.

    Why is my eyelid swollen?

    Inflammation or excess fluid surrounding the eye causes a swollen eyelid. Eye infections, injuries, trauma, and allergies are the most common causes of a swollen eyelid. Whether or not you experience pain and how long the healing process will take is determined by the cause of the swelling. Are you experiencing swelling surrounding your eye from an unknown cause or for an extended period of time? Call our office to schedule an appointment or consult with your eye doctor.  

    Have more questions?

    If your eyelid condition or concern does not fit into one of these categories or you have additional questions please call our office to schedule a consultation. The staff can answer all of your questions and give a personalized recommendation for your eye care.

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